


What are we to make of the many claims of Bible writers that they wrote the words of God? In short, the Bible writers were lunatics, liars, or truth tellers (meaning God was the ultimate source of their writings).

The honest person must admit that the Bible is not a product of the mentally disturbed. Did insane individuals write the world’s best selling book in all of history? Did men without any sense pen a book that some of the world’s greatest minds have studied daily for decades? The “lunatic” option for the Bible writers is an illogical choice.

If the Bible was not written by mentally ill megalomaniacs, then it was written by either the honest or the dishonest. Logically, no other choices exist. For example, was Moses lying or telling the truth when he wrote the Ten Commandments, saying, “And God spoke all these words” (Exodus 20:1)? This same question can be asked of all the writers of the Bible.

So the Bible is either a product of God or a product of liars. If the writers were liars, then they repeatedly pronounced their own destruction throughout the Bible, for they claimed that lying is sinful and that all impenitent liars will suffer eternal destruction (Proverbs 19:5, Revelation 21:8). The Bible is either the greatest book the world has ever known (and deserves our full attention and respect as being from God), or it is one of the worst (with thousands of lies about being from God).

You have to make a choice. But be sure to make an honest, informed decision. Do not hastily base your decision on something as shallow as a meme or a tweet (by skeptics or Christians). Dig in, and follow the evidence wherever it leads.

(Taken from Search for Truth, edited by Wayne Walker)